After seeing the post in which I bemoaned the untimely demise of my kindle, one of my friends (and sometime room-mate) was so kind as to send me a kindle she happened to have lying around. I shall be eternally in her debt, as I was starting to go into reading withdrawal.
Yes, I know that there is this magical thing called libraries that carry paper books, but sadly this past month has proven yet again that I am not adult enough to return my books on time and avoid accruing fines large enough to lock out my account. Overdrive to the rescue! I don’t have to return the books, they just disappear when they are due!
Anyhow, down to business, here is what I have been reading lately:
BY Madeline L’Engle
I had planned to do a more extensive review of this book in its own post, but I still haven’t crystallized my thoughts on its treatment of evil yet. It is an engaging page turner with themes of friendship, freedom, love, and the unique gifts each individual possesses. I never read it as a child, but I look forward to reading it with my children once they are older. The work is set within a Christian framework and often quotes Scripture, but due to some theological inaccuracies I plan on making sure to discuss it with my kids.
By Brene Brown
This book is fantastic. Since reading it two months ago, I have been recommending it non-stop. Brene is a researcher who studies shame, vulnerability, and worthiness, and though her topics are heavy, her conversational and humorous style keeps you from getting bogged down. This book came at the perfect time for me, after writing about my struggles with postpartum depression and anxiety; I saw that although I had made great progress, I was still living the “shit list” as Brene calls it and had a great deal of work still to do on overcoming my shame and feelings of being unworthy of love. Such a powerful book, I completely agree with Modern Mrs Darcy that it is a book that every woman should read.
By Gretchen Rubin
I was expecting to like this book, after having it recommended to me by several people with excellent taste. Sadly, it fell flat for me. It had its enjoyable moments, but this read much more like Gretchen was detailing what she did rather than trying to give ideas of what others should consider doing. Perhaps these more general ideas are covered in her first book, The Happiness Project, which I have not yet read. I like the concept of doing a happiness project, and have begun work on sketching out ideas for one of my own, but this book was to specific to the author’s life for me. I think you could make a drinking game out of counting how many times she reminds herself to “Be Gretchen.” That being said, I still plan on reading The Happiness Project.
Rules of Civility
By Amor Trowles
The most apt description of this book would be The Great Gatsby meets Breakfast at Tiffany’s set in the ’30s. I highly enjoyed this page turner, and am still thinking about it a few weeks later, especially the ending. Perhaps one of my favorite themes deals with the ripple effect that the chance encounters one has in their twenties will have on the rest of their life. The beautiful prose is especially remarkable since it is the author’s first work.
Blue Like Jazz: Non-Religious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
By Donald Miller
I went into this book with high expectations, having loved A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, by the same author. It was alright, definitely worth the skim read, but I didn’t find myself savoring it like I did his other work. I did very much appreciate his section on wanting to live outside narcissism, as well as the importance of loving everyone, no matter how broken/frustrating they might be.
Linking up with for QuickLit and Jenna of for 5 Favorites.
Happy Reading!
What have you been reading lately? Have you read any of the above books, what did you think of them?
My BFF just gave me a copy of “A Wrinkle in Time”. It’s been more than 20 years since I read it so I’m looking forward to a re-read.
I enjoyed your list! Blue Like Jazz is one of my favorite books of all time. And thanks for your thoughts on Gift of Imperfection. It never interested me before, but now I’m intrigued.
A Wrinkle in Time is such a classic! Rules of Civility is one of my favorites – I love the setting! I keep waiting for another novel from the author. I hope it’ll be the same time period!
I’ve never read a Wrinkle in Time but I’ve heard so many good things about it that I need to move it up on my list!
Great article.