Hello! Are you guys ready for Day One of our capsule wardrobe week? I sure am! Here is my friend Stephanie to get us started:
Are you guys ready to have a closet that you are EXCITED to walk into in the morning?
Are you ready to LOVE all your clothes, have your own personal and unique style, AND look forward to getting dressed in the morning?
I sure am!
You cannot even begin to imagine how excited I am to be doing this with you all! I’m eager to share what I’ve learned with you about capsule wardrobes AND (more importantly) to learn what has and hasn’t worked for you in your current wardrobe. If you have never done a capsule before, are new to them, or maybe you’re a pro, you are welcome here. I know a few of you have done capsules before, so I am really looking forward to learning from you guys because I’m still learning every season how to build mine better and with fewer pieces.
So, to start, let me introduce myself!
My name is Stephanie O’Keefe. I am a wife and mom to two kids. I live with my family in a rural little no-stoplight town in Wisconsin. I am a stay at home mom (my FAVORITE job in the world), but I also have a part-time job where I work from home helping people reach their health and fitness goals.
I’ve always loved fashion but realized I had a problem when I had to pack all my stuff and move twice in the course of a year! My “capsule journey” began when I read a book by Jennifer L. Scott: “Lessons from Madame Chic.”
I was inspired to, like her, find joy in my wardrobe. She also has an amazing blog!
I then read Marie Kondo’s book, “The life-changing magic of tidying up”
So I became convinced that creating a capsule wardrobe was the KEY to helping me find joy in my wardrobe, creating my own style, and living more simply. I got rid of 80% of my clothes and I’ve never looked back!
Maybe you are wondering now: That sounds great but what is a capsule wardrobe.
Well, the beauty of capsule is that everyone does them a little different and there are no “rule” so to speak. But here is a starting definition to give I like to give you an idea of what to aim for.
“A capsule wardrobe is a timeless collection of a specified number of pieces personalized and dependent on the individual’s lifestyle.”
YOUR TASK: Okay, so today’s task is an easy one! Introduce yourself below! Tell us where you are from, if you are married or single, kids or no kids, occupation, and what you like to do for fun!
Thanks Stephanie! If you’d like you can jump over to the facebook page that Stephanie created for the series “Capsuled Style,” and introduce yourself. Check back here tomorrow for brainstorming day!
Thank you for doing this series! I’m looking forward to it. My name is Rosalie, and I’m a homemaker; I’m married with two little kids, and we live in Alaska.
Hi Rosalie. So glad that you are here! Wow, Alaska! What is the weather like where you are this time of year? Are you in one of the places where the days/nights are really long for part of the year?
Hi! I’m Rachel. I have two little girls who I’m privileged to stay home with
I live in VA.
Hi Rachel!
Thank you, Katherine! We’ve been having nice (for us) weather this winter; there has been snow on the ground since the end of September, but for the last month or so, temperatures have routinely been a pleasant 20 to 30 degrees F above 0. Yes, we do get the dramatic winter darkness and summer sun! In late December we get not quite four hours of daylight a day, and in June and July it’s light outside all night.
Wow, that is so crazy! I imagine it can be challenging to get your kiddos on a routine when the hours of daylight vary so greatly!
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